Upcoming public Meetings & Workshops
Click on the events below to learn more information.

IVRPD Monthly Board Meeting: Design Development Presentation
IVRPD Special Board meeting to review design plans & approval of the 100% Design Development package for the Children’s Park Renovation Project.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 847 1207 8883
Passcode: 859271
Public Design Review Meeting
Children's Park Public Design Meeting #2 hosted by Isla Vista Recreation and Parks District to review 100% Design Development of the parks renovation plans.

Community Design Workshop #2: Nature Play Design
Children’s Park Renovation Project’s Design Workshop #2 to select the preferred concept by Earthscape, custom nature play designers for the park’s nature theme structures.

2023 Youth Programming Kick-off
Join us for an event to explore youth programming in Children’s Park and greater Isla Vista by the Isla Vista Recreation and Parks District. All local children & families are encouraged to attend.

Public Design Meeting
Join us for a general Public Design Meeting to give feedback on the park’s major design elements of Children’s Park. All local residents are encouraged to attend.
All meeting materials will be translated in both English and Spanish, and Spanish interpretation services will be available.
Dinner will be provided at 5PM. The meeting (presentation & activities) begin at 5:30PM Join our email newsletter for updates!

Tree Strategy Tour
Join us to tour the trees of Children’s Park to learn more about the health and replacement of the park’s existing trees with arborists Dave Muffly and Richard Aguilera!
Spanish interpretation services will be provided.
Demonstration Garden Workshop #1
Event details for the Children’s Park Demonstration Garden Workshop on 11-9-2022