Welcome to the home for all Children’s Park Renovation Project information & more!
Children’s Park is a recipient of Round 4 of the California State Park’s ‘Parks for All’ program that seeks to improve access to parks in underserved communities. The project is currently in early design with project completion estimated by 2026. In a continuation of the community-based planning effort that resulted in the $4.2 million grant award, the Isla Vista Recreation and Parks District (IVRPD) welcomes you learn more about the plans for the park, participate in upcoming events, and share your ideas about the future of Children’s Park.
100% Design Development is complete! (October, 2024)
We have reached a tremendous milestone and are pleased to unveil the final product of a robust community-driven design process marked by 4 years of public workshops, meetings, surveys, and more! Thank you to all of our local community members and stakeholders who have contributed to this project. Please join our newsletter to continue to receive project updates as we work towards the project’s construction.
past Events

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